Monday, April 7, 2014

Midnight Dreary

I have this love for jewelry that is tied to books and authors. I got so excited when Worship 13 did the Edgar Allen Poe ring. I wont even lie... yep I love Poe. Im not a goth but I do love the dark, the morbid and the haunting way he tells a story. I am pretty sure I would have swooned over him if I was a live back then. Its his words. God such a sucker for words, they get me every time.
  My down fall, men that speak of love and torment with passion, that can make the worst and most haunting things sound like the most beautiful. A tortured soul that you cant help but love and want to heal and hold.  Words that can make the most broken of times and people sound the most desirable and enchanting.  These men are my down fall. Lucky me they are fictional characters or I would have suffered a million broken hearts.
I think the reason I like this ring so much is because its him, not a skull and a raven or some cliche Nevermore saying that I see so much of. I really hope they do a Jane Austen ring. I have a few pieces with Pride and Prejudice quotes but nothing with her.  Bookish delights are the best. if you have instagram go follow them @ worship13 and you can follow me @ ink_and_coffee

"I was never really insane except upon occasions when my heart was touched"
Edgar Allen Poe

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

When the sun shut down and decided not to shine anymore, I went to war

I haven't blogged in a while. I just haven't had it in me. I don't know what to let out and what to keep in.  I guess you cant be truly strong till you acknowledge your weakness and accepted it or over come  it.  I am learning to accept that my heart is my weakness. Words, they bruise, cut, tear, and rip a part my soul more then psychical violence ever could. Once something is said to me it stays with me forever. The good the bad and the " I'm sorry I was mad I didn't mean it".  I don't believe that line at all. I believe when you say it to me you mean it. Some where in side of you, you think it and at that moment you just got brave enough to say it to me.  Through everything I have been through in life I don't think the violence I have suffered has damaged me half as much as the words.Yes I have scars but my tattoos hide them and soon all of them.  In fact gaining those scars has made me fearless of confrontation, fearless to stand up for my self and the people I hold dear. I am not scared to have a voice or fight for what I want.  The words, the horrible things that have been said to me over the years. Those have destroyed a part of me. Those comments about my looks or how heartless I am have caused me to shut down and shut people out. They have taught me to keep a million unbreakable walls up and even build a trench.
 Some how my divorce and the after math of it became so public.  I have had deal with rumors. whispers, and people calling me a liar. I was miserable. I gained tons of weight. I didn't look like myself at all.  By the end of everything I didn't even want to be alive and locked my self a way and hid. I lost a desire for anything. I couldn't cope with the fact that I gave some one everything and devoted over 10 years to them and in those 10 years they were with me that person never wanted me. I was a stepping stone to his career, I was a bank account and a punching bag. I went in to that marriage a homecoming queen and left it dead inside, emotionless and on the verge of suicide.  I was so broken, mentally and psychically destroyed.  I went to bed one night hoping to not wake up. Not to have to look in the mirror again. Praying I wouldn't have to deal with rumors or people looking at me. The whispers about how pretty I use to be. Instead I woke up the next morning made my coffee and as my cat sat next to the coffee pot looking at me,  it hit me like a brick to the face. I am hella smart. I own a business.  I am an artist, I breath art. "You know business, you are a damn good artist and who cares if you aren't pretty any more. Use that brain and those hands to fight back."  I got ready and the moment I put my mascara on I made a promise to my self that they will never win. They will never beat me. From that moment on I have put every part of me in to my businesses.
 I close my self off with business. I am good at it. Its a battle, a war.  Its a competition to out smart, to beat others. No emotions, just strategies. I am constantly thinking, planning, designing.  So I wake up every morning and all I think about is dominating. Taking over, going harder then others,  making the impossible happen. Life is good like this. Business, tattooing, art it saved me when all I wanted was death. My memories are my worst enemy,  the pain it will destroy me. When I become idle I become depressed and start to hate myself. Sooo that is how I do it. This is how I survived and keep surviving. When the sun stop shinning I went to war.
I keep my circle tight and let few in but  if for a second you make me unhappy I am smart enough now to walk a way with out looking back.  I know now that no matter how bad things get and you feel like you cant breath, it wont last. One day you will wake up and breathing will come easier, the emptiness you feel will start to fade.  I cant promise it will ever go a way but it wont always have its grip.  Live this life for you, make it what you want it to be. Never give up and dont let some one who does so little for you control so much of you.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

“Stars, hide your fires; Let not light see my black and deep desires.”

I truly believe that people don't take the time to get to know one another.  People seem so interested in looks, image, and brands, but they don't ever seem interested in the actually person.  I have thousands of friends on Facebook, but I don't think more then 20 know anything really about me. Other then I am a tattoo artist and read anything I can get my hands on. Same for Instagram, almost a 1000 followers but I think only 5 are in my circle of friends, a handful of customers and then the rest have no clue what kind of person I am.  I am sure they look at the photos and have made a version of me up in their head that they are happy with. Which if they met me in person I would probably be a disappointment  You know what? I do this too. I follow a ton of people and I have no clue of who they truly are.  
 So for the past few days I have gone back in forth on a subject matter for this blog. This morning I have finally voted in favor of it. I would like to start doing features on people. I want to interview and then post the interviews, conversations etc,  that I have with these people.  Any one with something to say. Any one with a story, with a goal,  or with a dream.   Any one who wants people to see them and not just a picture.  If you are interested kik me at deadcapulet, or email me at
Have a great weekend
Tara Renee  xoxo

 “I've never fooled anyone. I've let people fool themselves. They didn't bother to find out who and what I was. Instead they would invent a character for me. I wouldn't argue with them. They were obviously loving somebody I wasn't.”
Marilyn Monroe

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Some say the world will end in fire
some say in ice.
From what I have tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire
But if it had to parish twice
I think I know enough of hate
To say for destruction ice 
Is also great
And would suffice

Goodbye Love Sick

Hello Readers,

It has been a long time since I have written anything. The truth is I got lost in the chaos of life and forgot about my blog.  As you can see I changed the name of the blog. If you are just meeting me for the first time then this means nothing to you. There is no real reason for the name change other then the fact that I am covered in tattoos, I tattoo and I drink way to much coffee. Plus I read a lot. Slight book obsession.  So I just felt like Ink & Coffee sounded better.  Less heavy, no confusion. No one thinking Im sad.  Lots of people asked me if I named my blog Love Sick because my heart was broken. The answer is NO. I named it Love Sick because I am such a hopeless romantic at heart but I hide it very well. I believe in passion that will drive you mad, beauty that could be the ultimate muse and desire that could burn down cities.  I was not using Love Sick as it was meant... meaning to be in deep often depressing feeling of wanting to find love.  Love Sick for me was meant  as the lust I have for life, for my art and for the things around me.  That is my Love Sick and for me it was getting to start my life over again. 
2013 is coming closer to the end and with that new goals. My first goal is to start being more active on my blog. So here is my first step in that direction. Recreating my blog, putting the app on my phone so I can blog from any where. Also figuring out exactly what I want to write about.   I will be doing book reviews, posting more of my art and tattoos as well as updates from my travels and also interviewing people along the way.  So pretty much Ink (tattoos, art and books) and Coffee (pictures of me drinking coffee all around the world).  I really hope you stick around and enjoy it.
X''s and O's
Tara Renee

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A whole new world

 I have never blogged before, this is all new to me. Maybe I should start with some warnings. Yep! I think I will.
warning 1. I cant spell very well even though I read a lot.
warning 2. my grammar sucks
warning 3. this may be boring
warning 4. you will either hate me or love me, there is no gray

You cant say I didn't warn you.