Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Goodbye Love Sick

Hello Readers,

It has been a long time since I have written anything. The truth is I got lost in the chaos of life and forgot about my blog.  As you can see I changed the name of the blog. If you are just meeting me for the first time then this means nothing to you. There is no real reason for the name change other then the fact that I am covered in tattoos, I tattoo and I drink way to much coffee. Plus I read a lot. Slight book obsession.  So I just felt like Ink & Coffee sounded better.  Less heavy, no confusion. No one thinking Im sad.  Lots of people asked me if I named my blog Love Sick because my heart was broken. The answer is NO. I named it Love Sick because I am such a hopeless romantic at heart but I hide it very well. I believe in passion that will drive you mad, beauty that could be the ultimate muse and desire that could burn down cities.  I was not using Love Sick as it was meant... meaning to be in deep often depressing feeling of wanting to find love.  Love Sick for me was meant  as the lust I have for life, for my art and for the things around me.  That is my Love Sick and for me it was getting to start my life over again. 
2013 is coming closer to the end and with that new goals. My first goal is to start being more active on my blog. So here is my first step in that direction. Recreating my blog, putting the app on my phone so I can blog from any where. Also figuring out exactly what I want to write about.   I will be doing book reviews, posting more of my art and tattoos as well as updates from my travels and also interviewing people along the way.  So pretty much Ink (tattoos, art and books) and Coffee (pictures of me drinking coffee all around the world).  I really hope you stick around and enjoy it.
X''s and O's
Tara Renee

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